Saturday 20 November 2010

Make Your Perfume Laaaaaaaaaast!

Sick of applying your perfume then about half an hour later all traces of it are gone? Well, fear not I can help you make your favorite perfume last all day long.

1. Applying your perfume on your Pulse Points (wrist, neck, between breasts, etc.) can be key. This is because they give off the most heat and sort of melt it outwards.

2. Buying the soap, shampoo, shower gel, body lotion and conditioner all of the same scent may seem pointless but its really isn't. Layering the fragrance will make it thicker and harder to fade away.

3. Never rub your wrists together when you've applied perfume on them. This won't allow the scent to develop naturally.

4. Keep skin moisturised, so that the fragrance soaks in, it will just bounce off dry skin.

5. Apply perfume when you have just come out of the shower, so that your pores are still open.

6. Spray perfume on your hairbrush and brush your hair for gorgous smelling hair.

7. 'Stick' the smell to your skin by applying vaseline onto skin then spraying perfume.

Thats all it takes to make your perfume last and last!

Now, heres some of my favorite perfumes!!

(My all time FAVORITE perfume <3 )


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome post, I just read it from start to end. Learned something new after a long time. see it here
