Tuesday 16 November 2010

Healthy Hair, Healthy Soul

Let me paint you a picture... You sitting at home watching tv when an advert for a shampoo or conditioner comes on, the model swinging her long silky locks in your face as if to say 'You could never have this..'. Well, let me tell something, you too can have hair like hers! Follows these tips and you'll be well on your way to being the new improved goldilocks.

  • Brush your hair BEFORE wash it to remove any dirt and undo any tangles.
  • When washing your hair massage little circles in your scalp to increase blood circulation
  • Rinse your hair with vineger (prefferably apple), this helps inprove shinyness
  • When possible let your hair dry naturally, this improves moisture and healthiness
  • Never, ever brush your hair with a brush when its wet. This causes breakage and your hair will just probably end up knotting. If you must brush it use a wide tooth comb.
  • Try and avoid using curlers and straightners, I know it's difficult but i promise you it will be worth it.
  • Also avoid prolonged sunlight.
  • Use a boar bristle brush not a plastic brush
  • Use a heat defense spray when you do use heat on your hair.
Heres just some tips to get you on you way to silky soft haaair <3

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