Saturday 20 November 2010

Make Your Perfume Laaaaaaaaaast!

Sick of applying your perfume then about half an hour later all traces of it are gone? Well, fear not I can help you make your favorite perfume last all day long.

1. Applying your perfume on your Pulse Points (wrist, neck, between breasts, etc.) can be key. This is because they give off the most heat and sort of melt it outwards.

2. Buying the soap, shampoo, shower gel, body lotion and conditioner all of the same scent may seem pointless but its really isn't. Layering the fragrance will make it thicker and harder to fade away.

3. Never rub your wrists together when you've applied perfume on them. This won't allow the scent to develop naturally.

4. Keep skin moisturised, so that the fragrance soaks in, it will just bounce off dry skin.

5. Apply perfume when you have just come out of the shower, so that your pores are still open.

6. Spray perfume on your hairbrush and brush your hair for gorgous smelling hair.

7. 'Stick' the smell to your skin by applying vaseline onto skin then spraying perfume.

Thats all it takes to make your perfume last and last!

Now, heres some of my favorite perfumes!!

(My all time FAVORITE perfume <3 )


Tuesday 16 November 2010

Healthy Hair, Healthy Soul

Let me paint you a picture... You sitting at home watching tv when an advert for a shampoo or conditioner comes on, the model swinging her long silky locks in your face as if to say 'You could never have this..'. Well, let me tell something, you too can have hair like hers! Follows these tips and you'll be well on your way to being the new improved goldilocks.

  • Brush your hair BEFORE wash it to remove any dirt and undo any tangles.
  • When washing your hair massage little circles in your scalp to increase blood circulation
  • Rinse your hair with vineger (prefferably apple), this helps inprove shinyness
  • When possible let your hair dry naturally, this improves moisture and healthiness
  • Never, ever brush your hair with a brush when its wet. This causes breakage and your hair will just probably end up knotting. If you must brush it use a wide tooth comb.
  • Try and avoid using curlers and straightners, I know it's difficult but i promise you it will be worth it.
  • Also avoid prolonged sunlight.
  • Use a boar bristle brush not a plastic brush
  • Use a heat defense spray when you do use heat on your hair.
Heres just some tips to get you on you way to silky soft haaair <3

Sunday 14 November 2010

Winter Accessories... mm, snuggly

YAAY! Winters here! The only time of the year when snuggling up on a weekend night eating chocolate and watching X-Factor is acceptable. Lets face it you cannot beat a Cadburys hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream on top on a cold winters night.

So, I hear you ask when I do dare to venture outside, how can i stay warm?
Well heres the answer.


Hats are a girls best friend in winter, heres two of my favorites :-

Cream Bear Hat - £14.99

No winter accessories collection is complete without a Snood, now is it?

Gloves, Glorious Glooooves, Wooly, Fluffy and Mittens...

Scarve-bells ring, are ya listening?

Hope this help with your winter shopping!

I Don't Like it?!

Now, if you're on youtube you might have heard of the beauty guru's All That Glitters21 and JuicyStar07 or Elle and Blair as they're known. Recently Elle started a series of videos in which she talks about products she has tried and doesn't like them. Blair has started to do them aswell. I like the idea of these videos as the don't just give off good, positive reviews! I have decided to steal this idea for you lovely people who aren't on youtube.

First off in my I Don't Like It series is - Maybelline New York Superstay 24 Hours Foundation.

Maybe its just me because the whole reason I bought it is because my friend bought it and absoloutly RAVED about it. However when I made the purchase I found it to not have the 'flawless' finish it claims to. The foundation claims to have Flex Technology which enables it to resist - heat, sweat, dryness, transfer, touch and life. Now, I like my foundation to have a good, full coverage to cover my freckles (which I absoloutly dispice) maybe this is where the product failed for me. I found it patchy, very sheer and in fact not long lasting atall. I can see that this product might work for people with perfect skin who just need a bit of a finish from a foundation but it definatly was not for me.

Let me know if you've tried it, and if so did you like it?

Ooh, and also what do you think about me doing a give away on the products I don't like? Would that be a good idea?

Banish Spots Overnight!!

YES! Its the day before that big party, or first day of the holidays, or a special date and everythings going fine until you seen that bulging red lump on your face. Damn you acne, damn you.

Fear not, I have a soloution to your problem, and better yet all you need is some Sudocreme and a band-aid! Yes, thats right, the stuff you put on babies bums can get rid of your spots! I know, I didn't believe it either at first but I decided I might aswell give it a whirl and man alive, by the morning my spots were reduced to tiny red blemishes that could easily be covered by makeup.

All you need to do is once you've taken your makeup off for the night, dab some sudocreme on whatever spots or bumps you've got and then place your band aid over it, then go to sleep! Thats it! In the morning just remove the band-aid and wash your face, I can gaurentee you'll be amazed.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Color Vue Contacts!

When I was away last week, I went to the chemist and I saw they had a display of coloured contact lenses. For a couple of months now I have been wanting to try out green contact lenses but i've never gotten around to buy them. Anyway I got the urge to shop, so I bought two pairs of contacts, blue and green/yellow.

In my opinion, the green look alot better and more natural on me because of my naturally hazel eyes. However i've gotten compliments while wearing both pairs and I like them both. They make my eyes look alot bigger and brighter.

They cost £18 for each pair, pricey I know, but I know I'll get my moneys worth. They keep for 3 months depending on how much you wear them. For example if you wear them only a couple of times a month, then obviously they'll keep longer that 3 months, but if you wear them every other day then 3 months is the longest you should keep them (unless of course you want to cause yourself some serious eye problems, which I don't advice).

Heres what they look like on!

 Green - Excuse the squinting, I had just poked my self in the eye. So as you can see, it blends very well with my natural eye color (you can just see it, the darker circle around my pupil)  and it looks very natural. This is my favorite, and I wear it almost every day.

Blue - As you can see, it is a dark blue color, which doesn't blend to well with my hazel eyes when you look close up, but I promise you it looks very natural when you don't go right up to it! I find this color suits my skin tone and hair color (pale-ish brunette) and it makes my eyes look huuge. Very nice color, but I definatly prefer the green.

All in all a very good puchase, worth the money in my opinion and they can change your whole face. I will definatly be purchasing more!

Favorite Nail Varnish's

So, recently I have been aquiring quite a few nail varnish's as I have been attempting to stop biting my nails! I haven't bitten them in a while but I find they take forever to grow but as soon as they do they grow miles long at once.

All together I have 51 nail varnishs varing in brands from 'Nails Inc' to 'Rimmel London'.

Heres my five favorites!

In no particular order, here we go...

Nails Inc. from the London collection in South Molten Street - £11

W7 in 70. Suede - normally £3.29 but I paid £1.47

W7 in 74. Fluorescent Pink - bought for same price as above

NYC  in a New York Color Minute in Times Square - £2.49

Barry M in Mint Green - £2.95

All the colors are true to color once on the nail.
I gave each two coats except South Molten Street which is quite sheer and needed three coats.

First Blog!

This is my first ever blog post!  I thought i'd let you know what to expect in up coming posts :

  • Hauls of beauty products (nail polish, foundation, lipsticl, etc.)
  • Hauls of clothes and accessories (bags, shoes, etc.)
  • Reviews on beauty products
  • Reviews on clothes and accessories
  • Skincare tips
  • Haircare tips
  • Fashion tips
  • Makeup tips

I'm going try and post a new post at least every three days, and i'll do my best to keep a good variation in what I post. Hope you like it!